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Mr Trump - Please Read!!

Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 2)

Kurt Schlichter

May 30, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Original Article: Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 2)

When Donald Trump beats Grandpa Badfinger in November, he better hit the ground ready to fight. In my Monday column, we discussed how the Democrats will completely freak out and attempt to disrupt the peaceful transition of government – an act that’s going to be absolutely fine and necessary to maintain Our Democracy even though last week it was the worst thing ever. This second columns talks about what must happen right after Trump is re-inaugurated, God-willing, and what he must do immediately upon taking office. Momentum and inertia are vital. Trump must take his objectives quickly. He must put points on the board immediately on Day One.

Speed is not just of the essence – it is everything. Look at what happened with Israel in Gaza. It should have destroyed Hamas immediately. No waiting. No screwing around. Get in there and get it done. Nothing wins like winning. There’s no victory like victory. You’ve got to get in there and make it happen fast. When you hesitate, it gives the enemy the time to rebuild, re-orient, and counterattack. The IDF should’ve been hanging scumbags from what few lampposts that remain standing in Gaza within the first month, well before all the little keffiyeh-clad scumbags started occupying campus quads and President Gumby started showing his spinelessness.

Audacity, audacity, audacity.

The same is true with Trump taking power again. Take power and use power ruthlessly and without hesitation or lose – those are the choices. He’s got to get wins quickly and needs to pile wins upon wins so fast that the regime media and the institutions can’t decide what to react to. You’ve got to overwhelm the left, and you can only do that with proper planning. You have to plan the transition out so that on Day One, right after he takes his hand off the Bible and goes back to the White House, Trump starts signing things. Orders. Pardons. Regulations. They need to be waiting for him to sign. You take the initiative and you get inside the enemy’s decision cycle. You hit them with so many things so fast that they can’t pick out what to focus on. Overwhelm them with conservatism.

Not only does this tactic neutralize the ability of the regime media to create fake media firestorms, but it also has a morale effect by cheering up us voters when we see our priorities finally put into action. And, of course, it achieves substantive results. In other words, we not only want to do things that are going to help us, but we also want to be seen as doing things that are to help us so that our voters know they are winning and the damn communists know they are losing.

Day One is when we end the two-track justice system. Just recently, some Palesimpian scumbag knocked over a cop in Washington, DC. He’s getting probation. The guys who allegedly did that on January 6 are getting ten years. That can’t be tolerated. The left can’t be allowed to win. It’s not a matter of whether pushing cops is a good or bad thing. It’s a matter of allowing the Democrats to create and perpetuate a dual-track justice system. Allowing conservative-linked people to rot in jail while leftist–linked people run free perpetuates the unfairness. The lawfare by the left must end.

The President has the power to pardon. He should use it. Day One, Trump must pardon every single J6 defendant. Every one of them for everything. No exceptions, no hesitation. Pardon every single one of them, and not just J6 defendants. How about those abortion protesters held in jail for years? How about Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro – prosecuted for contempt of Congress while Democrats get away uncharged (we’ll fix that too). How about that guy who is sitting in prison because he made a mean meme about Hillary Clinton? Pardon him. Pardon everybody who’s been treated unfairly by the Democrats. Then Trump needs to pardon everybody associated with his prior administration. And he needs to pardon himself.

Will the Democrats freak out? Well, yes, though if Trump does it right, they’ll be a lot more things to be freaking out about on Day One. But who cares if they freak out? Caring is the only thing that stops us from using our legitimate power. They’ll say that we don’t care about the rule of law. Who cares what they say? Ensuring that the law has been applied equally – which these pardons would do because Democrats don’t get prosecuted – supports the rule of law. But this isn’t about clichés. This isn’t about pleasing the Democrat elite. They’re never going to be happy. It’s foolish to try. It's about neutralizing the Democrat’s misuse of power. You cannot let them win.

Here’s a radical notion for Republicans. Make Republican voters happy. Trump should aggressively use his power to support the interests of the Republican voters who elected him. Serving those who elected him should be his number one priority. The Democrats understand how power works. They violate the law on immigration and on student loan debt transfers to support their constituents. We need to support ours – legally – and we need to do it without apology and without hesitation.

Trump needs to shut down the border on the first day. Summarily reject all asylum applicants. Just turn their butts around. No more flying illegals anywhere except home. We need to keep doing that even if some Hawaiian judge orders us not to enforce the law and kick these bums out. Fight that obstructionism. As Biden’s student loan scam shows, you find a technical argument to ignore it, ignore it, and get the benefits before the lower court can say, “No, we really mean it” – or the SCOTUS says, “Go for it.” He also needs to cut off the cash to the parasitical NGOs that have gotten billions of dollars to facilitate this invasion of Third World peasants. No more money to any of them. Nothing. Starve them.

And as for student loan forgiveness, Trump simply needs to order that the purported forgiveness is unforgiven and that the USA is going to start collecting those monies. Let the deadbeat gender studies majors sue to enforce an executive action that the Supreme Court has already said is unlawful. After all, Trump must enforce the laws, and the laws say that these debts have to be paid back. Biden’s unlawful waiver of these obligations is legally ineffective. Enjoy the cry of a million gender studies graduates screaming in anger!

We need to start recruiting foot soldiers for the administration. Trump is going to need a lot of conservative bodies to fill the jobs in the myriad federal agencies. Right now, they’re packed with Democrat activists. We need to change that, and we need to not apologize for it. He must fire scores of senior staff at various agencies. Ones he can’t fire need to be transferred to their new place of duty in Ticklebooty Springs, Wyoming.

He needs to fix the military. He needs to fire the joint chiefs. He also needs to fire the heads of all the military academies and war colleges. He must order DEI is completely out of our armed forces. He needs to make clear that our military’s purpose is to destroy our enemies and nothing else. Not screwing around about the climate hoax. Not diversity. Killing our enemies. He’s commander-in-chief, dammit, and he should command. Not ask. Command.

There should be a towering pile of executive orders waiting for him on the Resolute Desk when he gets back from the inauguration, executive orders that will make the Democrats scream. For example, the only reason that federal government employees can unionize is because of an executive order. He should revoke that on Day One and ban government employee unions. Sure, they’ll scream and yell. They’ll sue. Maybe they’ll go on strike, which would be great because when these flunkies disappear and nothing changes, we’ll see that they weren’t necessary to begin with. Obviously, you want to put a hiring freeze in place. Obviously, you want to ban DEI throughout the government.

Federal law enforcement needs new rules to stop the persecution of political opponents, which inevitably means Democrats persecuting Republicans. His first action should be an order that there is no investigation, evidence gathering, prosecution or any other activities directed at any member of the administration without the personal approval and signature of the Attorney General. Yes, Trump should interfere with the operations of the Department of Justice. It’s a corrupt organization full of Democrat activists who have demonstrated that they are unworthy of our trust. He shouldn’t give it to them. He’s the chief executive elected by and accountable to the voters. The unelected Attorney General, and therefore every single other unelected employee of the Department of Justice, works for the President. He should delegate to his Attorney General, and to no one else, the ability to approve an investigation of any kind of the administration or any other political official. No more Russiagates. No more Flynn frames. The Department of Justice has shown that it cannot be trusted not to abuse its power, so it will lose its power. The elite won’t like it – they want a fourth branch of unaccountable government bureaucrats, but that’s not a thing, and we can’t let it continue to be a thing.

It’s vital that this all happens on Day One because of what will appear on Day Two’s front pages of the New York Times and Washington Post. What will the headline be? He will have done dozens and dozens of things. Do they go with the pardons? Do they go with DEI? Do they go with his other executive orders? We want them pulling out their purple hair, trying to figure out what they will focus on as the biggest outrage in the face of dozens of outrages. They will scream and yell. They will cry. Maybe they will riot – of course, the insurrectionists will feel the full wrath of a Trump Justice Department. The Democrats and Congress will go nuts. Who knows, they may obstruct the Senate from conducting business – we will probably have a majority, but a minority can do that. That’s fine. Let them. We need to remember that it’s the Democrats who mostly benefit from government largesse. Let the Democrats shut down the government. Throw us in that briar patch.

Most of all, Trump must stand firm – something that will not be a problem. He’s tough, and he’s mad. Any other Republican would’ve wilted under the attacks on Kavanaugh, but Trump didn’t. You know, they say that Trump is going to use his second term to get revenge because he’s so vindictive. Good. That’s a strength. We want him vindictive. We want him to seek righteous retribution – since when were Republicans against punishing wrongdoers? We want Trump utterly focused on breaking the stranglehold on, if you pardon the expression, Our Democracy that these leftist jerks have had for the last decade.

He must exercise his constitutional power without apology or hesitation. He must move fast and ruthlessly. The way to do that is to plan the transition in detail. It needs to be comprehensively plotted so that he’s ready to act immediately, Day One. His last administration was largely improvised because, at some level, people didn’t really believe that he was going to win, and they didn’t really prepare for it. Well, there’s no excuse now. There are thousands of Republicans who have had administration experience thanks to Trump, people who can come aboard for Trump 2.0, and this time, they can utterly lay waste to the Swamp.

It will be glorious.

Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the eighth volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel of terrorism in America, The Attack!

Ignore The Appeals Court, Deport Them All Now

Townhall Columnist Derek Hunter on Mar 21, 2024

It was a bit of a shock this week when the Supreme Court allowed the Texas government to protect its citizens by arresting and deporting illegal aliens while the federal lawsuit against the state for daring to enforce our nation’s sovereignty is considered by the high court. I wasn’t aware that anyone in power in Washington gave a damn about our laws or Americans anymore. Sure, some pay lip service to the idea, but they don’t have power. But now the Supreme Court has opened the door to the idea that a state can act in our interest, and even though an appeals court stepped in and tried to block the law again, the Supreme Court has already spoken so every state where Republicans have the power needs to push through a similar law, do it this week, and start deporting every illegal alien authorities come in contact with.

That will sound heartless to Democrats, and good. I don’t care. These are people who support a President who cares so little he can’t even bother to properly read the name “Laken Riley” off a damn button he’s holding. Why would I give a single damn about their sensibilities in any way, shape or form?

And the idea that this latest ruling by an appellate court would somehow overrule the Supreme Court is just wrong. Besides, if Texas and other states just start putting illegal aliens on planes the hell out of the country, what is that court going to do to block it? Charter flights, private airports. Get them out.

Mexico now says they won’t take anyone back who isn’t Mexican, which is the perfect reason to not let them in in the first place. Texas can build a wall. Texas can make it difficult to get in. Let Mexico choke on them. Send everyone back by plane. If they won’t say where they’re from, send them to whatever major airport is closest to Cape Horn on the southern tip of South America. Why? Because why not? If people want to walk enter the country illegally, make that walk as long as humanly possible.

Yeah, I’m heartless. But I’m also sick of it. I’m sick of the crime, sick of the murders, sick of the idea that we can’t enforce our laws or protect our sovereignty and must let anyone in who wants to come, no matter how they come.

I’m sick of the junkies and drugs everywhere. I’m sick of having to every bit of my 6 foot 5 inch frame to convey the pain homeless illegals and junkies will feel should they even look at my kids wrong, let alone say or do something inappropriate.

I’m tired of hearing about the crimes – the illegals who come here on “credit” from the cartels, overrunning neighborhoods and packing into townhouses Democrats force to be built everywhere seemingly for this purpose. It’s indentured servitude, just this side of slavery – the institution the Democrat Party started a civil war to defend and created segregation and Jim Crow laws as a temper tantrum when they lost.

I’m sick of seeing defendants unable to speak English, like this monster who left her 16-month-old in a playpen and went on vacation for 10 days to Puerto Rico. Shockingly, the baby died because the pile of garbage mother didn’t think about what would happen to her. The AP, in writing about this trash, says she is someone “who has struggled with depression and related mental health issues, said she has prayed daily for forgiveness. ‘There’s so much pain that I have in regards to the loss of my baby, Jailyn,’ she said. ‘I’m extremely hurt about everything that happened. I am not trying to justify my actions, but nobody knew how much I was suffering and what I was going through ... God and my daughter have forgiven me.’”

Maybe God can forgive, I won’t. People who are sorry after they got caught aren’t people I care to forgive.

I don’t know if the mother here is an illegal alien or not, all I know is she needed an interpreter at her sentencing, and you’re supposed to be able to speak English to become a citizen. Either way, I suspect she’s here thanks to Democrat policies and she brought nothing to the table. She will now be on the state’s tab for the rest of her miserable life, before Satan starts covering the bill.

I blame Democrats for all of this and more. All the murders, all the assaults, all the overdoses, all the entitled illegal aliens sucking off society and complaining that the things they’re getting for free aren’t good enough. To hell with them and anyone who supports them. As a Catholic, I’m done with funding a church that embraces and encourages this. As an American, I’m done with a President who does too.

I don’t care about their “rights,” the second they break into the country any concern I could have been convinced to have for them dried up. There are consequences for knowingly breaking the law. While I’d prefer them to be a seat on a trebuchet pointed back into Mexico or the Gulf, I’m just as content to throw their asses on a plane and send them anywhere far away.

A few thousand (though I’d hope for more – all, actually) illegal aliens showing back up in their villages, broke from spending their money on smugglers to get here would be the greatest deterrent to aspiring illegals there could ever be.

Now is the time to set that example. This is the chance for Republican legislatures and governors to set that example; to deport as many illegals as humanly possible, as quickly as possible. But they need to act now.

Legislatures in session need to drop everything and pass the Texas law, then act. Those not in session need to be called back for an emergency session and do it. The law is already written, pass it and enforce it.

Make Democrats move heaven and Earth to stop it, make them expose themselves as prioritizing illegals over Americans again. Then never stop talking about it. See how that plays out in November. Until then, and until they physically can’t deport every illegal alien to wherever they’re from. Send Haitians and Venezuelans home or to any other country willing to take them. Where Ukrainians end up is not our problem, they don’t get to break into here. If Pakistan or China won’t take them back, impose sanctions. I don’t care where they’re from, they’re here illegally and they have to go. Once they get to whatever airport around the world they go to, they are that country’s problem. This is war by other means, time to start acting like it and fight back.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

If the Vaccine Is So Great, Why Are So Many People Dropping Dead?

Townhall Columnist Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root
See the Original Article.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as "the Conservative Warrior." Wayne's new No. 1 bestselling book is out, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book." Wayne is host of the nationally syndicated "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and the "WAR RAW" podcast.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

The COVID-19 vaccines appear to be causing a global health disaster. There are so many warnings from all around the world. I'll list just a few in this column. But the U.S. media remains silent. They're as quiet as a church mouse. Why?

Japan's Ministry of Health just announced that "the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines could cause heart-related side effects in younger males." Health experts in Japan have witnessed skyrocketing rates of myocarditis and pericarditis in young men and teenagers. And they've seen the same nonstop heart issues with middle-aged and older individuals.

All over America, and all over the world, cardiac arrest, heart inflammation and heart attack deaths are exploding. Young athletes are dropping right on the field; star soccer players in Europe are dropping dead in the middle of games; referees, coaches and even fans in the stands are having cardiac emergencies. It's something no one has ever seen before. It's an epidemic.

What do all these victims have in common? They've all been vaccinated.

In America, the media is filled with reports of hospital emergency rooms and intensive care units overwhelmed with seriously ill patients. From coast to coast, there are so many sick people lined up that there aren't enough beds or nurses. Sick patients are lying on gurneys along the hallways. Doctors and medical experts call it a "mystery" why so many Americans are sick. They can't understand what's happening.

But I can solve the mystery. I believe that these are COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries overwhelming ERs and ICUs. The very illnesses that are most prevalent in this mysterious health emergency -- heart attack deaths, cardiac arrest, strokes, blood clots, multiple organ failure -- are all the same COVID-19 vaccine side effects listed in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

What a coincidence.

But it's not just in the USA. It's happening everywhere. In the U.K., the Evening Standard newspaper reports up to 300,000 British citizens are facing sudden heart related illness and cardiac arrest.

U.K. medical experts are blaming PPSD -- "post-pandemic stress disorder." Three hundred thousand Brits aren't dying and crippled from the vaccine. Of course not. They're all nuts. It's all in their heads.

These brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers can't see what's right in front of their faces. Or perhaps doctors, scientists and researchers are too afraid of losing their medical licenses, or losing multimillion-dollar government grants, to speak up.

In the case of the media, it's all about greed. Big Pharma buys a large proportion of the ads on every TV news network in America. Offend Big Pharma with stories of vaccine deaths and injuries, and the media could lose billions of dollars in revenue. Half the newsroom could be fired.

Not to mention stock prices would collapse in these media companies. There go the retirement accounts of Lester Holt, Don Lemon, Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow. So, the truth is hard to come by.

What's the truth? All anyone with a shred of credibility, morality and decency have to look at are a few key factors.

First, the Food and Drug Administration has reportedly requested 75 years to fully release the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data. If I told you to "Trust me, I'm selling the world's best health tonic, but I can't disclose any of the test results or ingredients for 75 years, until everyone asking is dead," would you trust me? Would you buy what I was selling? Would you inject it into your body?

Second, a federal judge demanded some of that data be released immediately by Pfizer. Just in the first few pages, detailing results from just the first few weeks of vaccines, Pfizer admits in their own data that their vaccine was linked to fatal outcomes for 1,223 Americans and produced 42,086 reports of adverse effects. Among the most prominent adverse effects were heart attacks and heart problems.

Third, the VAERS system is reporting a number of adverse effects possibly linked to the vaccines -- including tens of thousands of hospitalizations, crippling injuries and permanent disabilities. That's just in America. The EU numbers are even higher.

Now let me let you in on a terrible secret. My insider health care sources are reporting so many victims are filing reports with VAERS that the system is hopelessly overwhelmed and backed up. There may be 20,000 or 40,000 or 60,000 more deaths waiting to be processed into the VAERS system. They tell me the numbers are staggering.

Now you know why hospital ERs and ICUs are overwhelmed with people who are seriously ill.

So, my question is, shouldn't someone be investigating this escalating health disaster? Shouldn't someone in the media be reporting on this unimaginable tragedy? Should politicians be protecting us?

One thing I know: Something very bad and very evil is happening.

Vaccine Mandate Is Cloward-Piven Plan To Destroy USA and End Capitalism

Townhall Columnist Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne Allyn Root
See the Original Article.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as "the Conservative Warrior." Wayne's new No. 1 bestselling book is out, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book." Wayne is host of the nationally syndicated "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST and the "WAR RAW" podcast.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Back in the 1980s, I was a Columbia University student learning about a plan to destroy America and end capitalism. It was called Cloward-Piven -- named after a Columbia University husband-and-wife professor team. Their insane goal was to turn America into a socialist, communist hellhole.

They planned to do it by overwhelming and collapsing the U.S. economy with massive debt, created by getting as many Americans as possible to depend on welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits. In the ensuing economic catastrophe and collapse of our country, every business owner would get on their knees to beg government to save them.

At that moment of crisis and chaos, we would become a socialist, communist country.

Don't look now, but it's happening. The communists of Columbia (and every other elitist Ivy League school) have tried for decades to force a majority of Americans to rely on welfare benefits. They failed. But they won't give up. They've modified the plan. It's now a powerful one-two punch.

First, they've opened the borders to let millions of migrants and refugees into this country -- almost all of whom want cradle-to-grave welfare. Also, don't forget they all need free health care for themselves and their kids, and their new babies, and their extended families. That alone could overwhelm the system and collapse the economy. That's before welfare and food stamps. And then there's free public school for all their children and expensive English-as-a-second-language programs that cost billions of dollars but make teachers unions filthy rich.

Open borders is Cloward-Piven strategy updated for 2021. And as the greatest bonus ever, Democrats know these millions of foreigners will loyally vote for the party who lets them in and then promises to give them the biggest welfare checks. These are lifetime Democrat voters.

But there is now a powerful Part Deux to Cloward-Piven. Democrats aren't content to just welcome tens of millions of foreign welfare addicts into the USA. They want to make tens of millions of American-born citizens unemployed and dependent on government too.

So, Part Deux of Cloward-Piven is the vaccine mandates.

These COVID-19 vaccine mandates are destroying the country, creating chaos, crisis and division. They are wiping out the ranks of the police, fire, paramedics, nurses, prison guards, border patrol and military. Our middle class is being ripped to shreds. These frontline heroes and defenders don't want this dangerous, experimental, for-emergency-use-only jab. There will soon be no one to answer your 911 call. The police will be defunded -- without voters ever getting a vote.

The military will be left weak and crippled. Wanna bet China is directing this plan? We all know China owns Biden and his family. Biden is serving up the country on a platter to China.

The vaccine mandates also make the supply chain problems much worse. Truck drivers don't want the jab. They're quitting in droves. Jet pilots don't want the jab. They're on strike now -- ask Southwest and American Airlines why thousands of flights were grounded recently. If these pilots are fired, the tourism industry will be devastated. Shipping cargo by air will be devastated. Without pilots and truckers, food and supplies won't make it to stores. Shelves will be empty -- just like the old communist Soviet Union. Coincidence?

Like I said, this is a communist takeover of the USA. Empty shelves are the hallmark of communism.

And then there's the economy. If vaccine passports are mandated, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and retail stores will be crushed. Doubt me? Scotland's Hotel Association just announced a 40% drop in business from the vaccine passport. New York City's restaurants have announced the same size drop in business.

Without the spending of tens of millions of my fellow Americans who choose to be unvaccinated, businesses will close by the millions. The economy will collapse.

This is Cloward-Piven. It's real. It's happening. Democrats are purposely destroying and collapsing the economy. They're defunding the American middle class.

It's time to fight back HARD. It's time to stop turning the other cheek. My new bestselling book, "The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book," lays out the only possible strategy for conservative patriots -- CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, the strategy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have to hit these socialist, communist traitors and madmen squarely where it hurts -- in the pocketbook -- with national protests, strikes, boycotts and acts of civil disobedience. We must bankrupt them and bring them to their knees begging for forgiveness. Two can play at this game.

The choice is clear: We either resist, or we lose America, our jobs, our careers, our middle-class quality of life, our health and everything that made America great. It's time to fight like animals, fight like it's the end of America, fight like our lives and the lives of our children are at stake ...

Because they are.

National Vietnam War Veterans Day

March 29, 2021

The Peoples Republik of Boulder is a Gun Free Zone

Produced by Gun Owners of America

This video was produced several years ago as a Reel Clef Short Film, but is still very pertinent today.

This short, 5-minute video shows clearly that gun free zones do not work, and provides the solution.

Attacks on Second Amendment Trigger Tyranny

Townhall Columnist Col Allen West

See the Original Article.

Editor's Note: This column was co-authored by Lori Roman, President of the American Constitutional Rights Union Action. Col. West is on their policy board.

The election swept in a legion of Second Amendment foes. Americans can expect them to take James Madison’s statement that disarming the people is “the best and most effective way to enslave them” as less of a warning and more of a directive.

During the campaign, Joe Biden was asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if a Biden administration would mean “they are going to come for my guns,” and Biden responded, “Bingo.”

Vice President Harris proudly supports “mandatory buy-backs” which is just a euphemism for outright confiscation.

President Biden’s Domestic Policy Council Chair Susan Rice announced that the Administration will partner with gun-grabbing organizations. And Judge Merrick Garland, President Biden’s nominee for Attorney General, has a long judicial history of suppressing Second Amendment rights.

The freedom to possess firearms will be attacked by the feds and the states through legislation, taxation, punitive fees, red flag laws, and pressure on banks and credit card companies. The restrictions will be aimed, as they always are, at law-abiding citizens and not the criminals responsible for gun violence.

In Congress, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a slew of alarming bills. Realizing it is a lot of work to strip Americans of their God-given right to defend themselves from harm, she introduced a bill to hire 200 additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and investigators.

Rep. Lee’s H.R. 127 is particularly outrageous as it requires licensing for firearms and some ammunition, registration of all firearms, new and already owned, and a host of other bad ideas. Requirements for a general license include a psychological evaluation done by a psychologist approved by the Attorney General, using standards determined by the Attorney General. It also mandates interviews with the spouse and two friends or family members of the applicant, training as determined by the Attorney General, and purchase of liability insurance through the Attorney General’s office for $800 per year.

The cost of background checks, fees, and insurance will be prohibitive for low-income Americans who will be left defenseless as they are effectively stripped of their rights.

Rep. Lee also introduced H.R. 130, which will make it impossible for Americans to defend themselves in their own homes. This law mandates that firearms must be stored unloaded, separate from ammunition, in an Attorney General approved safe with an Attorney General approved trigger guard. Good luck defending yourself against an intruder, when police and the Attorney General of the United States are nowhere to be found.

Will there be Republicans going after guns? Likely. In 2016, Senator Susan Collins of Maine introduced “No Fly No Buy” legislation that would automatically block anyone from the No-Fly list from purchasing firearms. She now has more allies in Congress to get this unmanageable law passed.

Now that Democrats are labeling about 74 million Americans as extremists, who knows who will end up on No-Fly lists? Senator Chuck Schumer recently called for protesters on January 6 to be added to a No-Fly list. TSA acknowledged that they were “looking at it.”

The No-Fly, No-Buy rule could easily be used for political retaliation and the lists are notoriously inaccurate, having included Senator Ted Kennedy, children, and high-ranking military officers.

Both Democrat and Republican state legislators are sure to continue their attacks on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

In many states, new Red Flag laws allow judges to take firearms away even if the individual has not committed or even threatened to commit a crime. A simple complaint from a third party triggers a court proceeding that could eliminate a person’s Second Amendment rights and cause an avalanche of consequences that could include losing their children in custody battles or to foster care.

The laws completely upend the most important principle in our justice system--presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

This year, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case that will affect Red Flag law enforcement. It will determine whether law enforcement is in violation of the Fourth Amendment by entering a home and taking legally owned firearms without a warrant.

In 2020, national background checks for gun purchases were up 40 percent over 2019, and more than 8 million Americans stepped forward as first-time gun owners. Forbes noted that the rise in first-time gun sales was “fueled by women, Black Americans and senior citizens.”

As always, the elites in society are protected by gated homes and armed guards, while regular folks are left powerless. Women, senior citizens, and the poor who live in high crime areas will suffer the most from political gun grabs.

It is obvious that power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats have no qualms about ignoring the plain text of the Constitution.

The founders were clear: “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Need Some Help

Congratulations President Elect Biden* and soon to be President Biden*! With that said, I’m going to need some help from my Democratic Liberal friends:

1. Can I borrow the #NotMyPresident hashtag or is that reserved for President Trump?
2. Who do I contact to see if Republicans are boycotting the Inauguration, like the Democrats did for President Trump?
3. Do I have to accept the election results, or can I cry for four years, claiming election interference?
4. Am I entitled to see Biden’s tax returns to learn how his income jumped dramatically in one year (I mean, we all know how and why. Just show the proof.)?
5. Am I allowed to trash anything that Biden says, without repercussion, because I’m just expressing myself?
6. Is there a sign-up somewhere for riots, do organizers call me, or how does that work, since I didn’t get my way?
7. Are businesses targeted because they supported Biden, or do I just pick a business that has something I want to take home?
8. Were the thousands of businesses that boarded up for fear of riots, for Conservatives or Liberals? If they were for Conservatives, did I miss the riots already???
9. Where are the safe spaces at? Is there a map or something? I may need to go cry for a little while (because of how stupid our country has become).
10. Does all the free stuff your party has promised, just come or do I have to quit my job first?
11. What is the address you guys have been sending all that extra tax money to, since you think people aren’t paying enough in taxes? I’m sure you have been voluntarily sending in more than required...
12. When my 401K crashes, will the President Elect make up for that in give-a-ways, or am I just screwed?
13. Since Socialism is what you just voted in, if my neighbor has something I want, do I just take it or do I have to let him know I’m taking it (Personally, I have had my eye on the brand NEW Mercedes SUV, a couple of doors down ... Biden sign in yard.).
14. When gas gets unaffordable, is there an EBT card for that?
15. I have seen the gatherings of Conservatives protesting the election results, but something is wrong, nothing is getting destroyed. Did you guys go to a class for that, or could you provide some pointers on how to do it right, please?
16. The Conservative gatherings were dubbed super spreader events, yet the protests and now election gatherings by Liberals, are not. Did you guys secretly come out with the vaccine?
17. Funny how the CDC has come up with a vaccine, soon after you were pronounced the President Elect. Can you, all your family, and colleagues take it first, to ensure it works?
18. So, now you are the President* Elect and soon to be President Biden*, Is every death now on you, or is it President Trump's responsibility, just at your convenience?
19. During Biden's* State of the Union Address, is Nancy going to tear up the speech on national television, or does she only do that with President Trump?

I’m sorry for all the questions, this is all new to me. I want to make sure I get it right!

Biggest Horse-Race Fixer of All Time Says Democrats Stole Election. Here's How

Townhall Columnist Wayne Allen Root

See the Original Article.

I am the only nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host in America who spent his prior career as a professional gambler and "the King of Vegas Sports Gambling" (as the media dubbed me). But don't take my word for it. Next time you're in Vegas, look for my 180-pound granite star on Las Vegas Boulevard in front of Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.

So, no other conservative media personality has friends like I do. In addition to many of the top GOP politicians and the president of the United States, my list of buddies includes some "only in Vegas" characters such as "Richie." Richie is a professional gambler and a convicted horse-race fixer.

Back in the day, Richie may have been the greatest and most prolific horse-race fixer in history. He fixed over 1,000 horse races in 11 years at every racetrack in California, bribing over 100 jockeys. Eventually, he was convicted and served time in prison.

That was 25 years ago. Today, Richie is one of the good guys and a respected member of his community, as well as a noted philanthropist. But Richie still has his street smarts -- something no one in Washington, D.C., has. For over 50 years, he witnessed the smartest and sharpest scammers and cheaters in the gambling world. No one can spot a scam like Richie. My buddy has a Ph.D. in the Art of the Steal.

Richie watched and studied the 2020 presidential election. He calls it "the greatest scam and steal in world history." He says anyone who denies this election was stolen is a criminal who was in on the scam; a bribed politician or bureaucrat who benefits from the scam; or a complete naive moron.

What does the world's greatest horse-race fixer believe happened on election night? Richie says it's clear that President Donald Trump won in a landslide in key battleground states, so big that Democrats had to move quickly to plan B and bring in reinforcements -- vans, U.S. Postal Service trucks, even planes filled with fake ballots, in the wee hours of the morning, with no GOP witnesses watching.

The millions of fake ballots reportedly cast for Joe Biden weren't enough. Democratic scammers had to call a timeout and obviously brought in millions of additional fake ballots to erase Trump's massive lead.

In a coordinated conspiracy so easy to see -- Richie calls it "amateur hour" -- five states clearly agreed at the same time to pause or stop counting votes, thereby buying themselves time to have millions of additional fake ballots filled out, trucked in or, in some cases, flown into nearby airports.

In the case of Georgia, there are accusations of scammers faking that a pipe burst and caused a flood, during which they rolled out suitcases filled with ballots, all of which was caught on video.

Any idiot who isn't blind can see what happened, says Richie. It was as if a brazen gang of 50 carrying AK-47s and not wearing face coverings robbed five banks at the exact same time, showed their IDs on the way out the door, and then got a blind eye turned by every FBI agent and every judge. Maybe people are in denial. Maybe the D.C. swamp got to them. Maybe they're in on the scam. A lot of respectable people in power must be getting filthy rich on this scam, says Richie.

Some telltale signs of the scam: reports that GOP witnesses had to be removed from the room; that these ballots had only one name filled out (Biden) because scammers were rushing and didn't have time to fill out down-ballot races; and that many of the ballots looked pristine because they were clearly never mailed but rather rushed from printing presses to counting rooms.

Street-smart Richie says this case is such a slam dunk that any judge who throws it out is dirty and any prosecutor who can't convict these scammers should lose his or her license to practice law.

Richie compares this case to Scott Peterson's 2004 murder trial. Peterson got the death penalty based only on circumstantial evidence. This 2020 election scam was so obvious it makes Scott Peterson look innocent by comparison.

Yet here we sit, with a conspiracy so deep that political leaders, mainstream media, social media, judges, prosecutors, the U.S. justice system, and virtually every person in power in D.C. act as if nothing happened. And they do it so casually, so matter-of-factly, that Richie says it's easy to conclude they're all in on the scam.

Jan. 20 will determine whether we are still a nation of laws or a corrupt, third-world banana republic where horse-race fixers tell the truth and politicians are the real scam artists.

Pardon Everyone

Townhall Columnist Kurt Schlichter

Kurt Schlichter
See the original article.

Power is wasted if you don't use it, especially when exercising your power will protect your friends and hamstring your enemies. The Democrats get that. The last four years have demonstrated that they get how to use power via their obnoxious and evil witch hunts targeting the associates of the president, not least of all General Mike Flynn. Trump used his power and pardoned Flynn. That's a good start. Trump should now pardon everybody.

By which I mean everybody.

People who are accused of something right now.

People who aren't accused of anything yet.

People who worked for Trump.

People who didn't.

Even his opponents.

Pardon everybody.

Oh, the libs and their yipping media poodles will get mad. They'll foam at the mouth and howl at outrage at the way President Trump has spirited away their intended prey. Good. Their pain makes it all the better.

It is just.

It is right.

And it is necessary to stymie the Democrat Establishment's attempt to make examples of anyone opposing them.

Is this yet another norm that mean old Trump is overturning? Hardly. Instead, it is a woke recognition of the new rules, new rules the Democrats imposed and which they should now experience, suppository-like, good and hard. How many innocent people went bankrupt after being caught up in the Russia hoax? Did they care? So why should we about depriving them of their jollies? There might have been a time when we were all playing by the rules that said that the feds would only investigate bad people and bring them to justice, where the innocent were not punished through process. Those were good times. But they are not these times. The Flynn travesty put the lie to the idea that the Department of Justice was anything more than just the Department. The Democrats weaponized law enforcement exactly like it weaponized the IRS, leveraging its power to attack and destroy their political enemies, and the Establishment shrugged as the media cheered. Now, there's no justice to be had, except in pulling the intended victims from the jaws of these monsters.

"Oh, but the courts will protect the innocent," claim the naïve and the disingenuous. Explain that to Mike Flynn. Even as the Court of Appeals understood that the vicious crusade by Judge Sullivan was a legal abomination, it let the charade play out because we have to honor institutions and so on and so forth and huffle-puffle argle-bargle, and too bad if a citizen gets steamrolled in the process.

Actually, steamrolling citizens is the goal.

But we are woke now. We see there's no justice, at least not for us – not from the institutions anyway. But there can be from President Trump's broad and unchallengeable power to neuter the Democrat Javerts.

So pardon everyone.

Pardon everyone in or around and who once said something nice about the Trump Administration from any crimes committed or alleged to be committed from the day Trump came down the elevator in NYC to the day he hops on the chopper to head to Florida to plot his Glover Cleveland power move.

Pardon Jared and Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric, Melania and Barron, and every appointee and every staffer and everyone who made the beds or cut the lawn at the White House.

Pardon Barr and Sessions, every cabinet secretary and every single one of their loyal underlings.

Will the Left crow that this proves they are guilty of something? Yes. Will they claim that regardless? Yes. So? Let them shake their puny fists at the clouds, powerless to wreck any more lives.

But don't stop there. Pardon everyone, anyone who might conceivably be swept up in the unity Administrations Truth and Reconciliation Tribunals.

Any investigation of any ally must be presumed illegitimate, based on past performance, so uncap that pardonin' pen and get signing. Pardon Texas AG Ken Paxton, who is being investigated by the feds for something and who offended the Democrats by bringing court challenges following the election. Wait, what if he’s guilty of a crime? Well, what if he’s not? Remember the Democrat persecution of Tom Delay? Of Rick Perry? Please tell me how we can totally rely on this to be on the up-and-up.

Go ahead. I need a laugh.

Find some more victims of outrageous prosecutorial conduct like Ari Teman, and pardon them too just to show that these tactics will not be rewarded.

Oh, and pardon Comey and McCabe and Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit herself. Sure, they’re guilty as sin, but they will never be prosecuted – Durham will never be releasing any krakens, folks – so he might as well. And then pardon Hoover and even Biden* himself – they'll never be held accountable for their massive corruption. And Trump should be sure to pardon Swalwell for his criminal stupidity with the Beijing Bimbo as well as for his post-chili deployment of a weapon of mass destruction.

The president should also pardon himself. Take the big prize off the board.

Now, the key is to explain to the American people why he must do all this, because the lesson this courageous step will teach is as important as the action itself. He needs to tell the American people that these pardons are designed not to excuse the guilty but to protect the innocent. He needs to make clear that if we had a system of justice instead of just a system, he would not need to ensure that the Democrats could never punish their temporarily out-of-power opponents for the crime of opposing them. But he does need to because they will try.

Will some guilty non-Democrat people escape accountability, much like guilty Democrats already do? Maybe. I can live with that. Don't we hold that 10 guilty men should go free rather than one innocent man be condemned? Who can seriously come forward and state that there is zero chance that under Biden* any Republican will be unjustly persecuted? Heck, who can tell you with a straight face that that's not their actual plan?

I'm seeing tumbleweeds, people.

They will scream. They will shout. And we will cheer because the president has used his power to save his friends and confound his enemies. That's what power is for. They want to abuse their power? Then we will use ours to stop them.

I wish it did not have to be this way. I wish there was one system of impartial justice where the innocent are not hounded and the guilty are held accountable without reference to their party or faction. But there isn't, and we have zero moral obligation to pretend a manifestly two-tiered justice system has anything to do with justice at all. A mass pardon spotlights the problem and provides an opportunity to make a choice – re-embrace justice, or continue with more of the same?

Maybe someday the feds will earn back a reputation for neutrality and fairness, for impartiality and a commitment to the truth. Maybe Efrem Zimbalist Jr. will cease spinning in his grave. I hope so because there is nothing more profoundly destructive to our system than the kind of rampant and unrepentant double standard we have seen in the last decade. But the return to justice is not happening in the next four years under a President Asterisk administration. No, the Democrats are out to settle political scores, so President Trump should settle their hash.

Pardon everybody.

An Agenda Worth Voting For

Townhall Columnist Gil Gutknecht

Read the Entire Article Here

While the Biden team studiously avoids talking about their real agenda, President Trump has made it abundantly clear what he intends to get done in the next four years. You don’t have to like his tweets or prickly persona. His accomplishments are reason enough to earn your vote. His plans for the future should convince all real Americans to storm the polls for this guy!

Consider his agenda for the next four years that will build upon the amazing accomplishments in his first term. All achieved in spite of entrenched forces that have fought him every step of the way.

On jobs and the economy, he expects 10 million new jobs in the next ten months and to see one million small businesses reopen or be created. He wants to lower taxes on working Americans. He really believes we can spend and invest that money smarter than Washington can on our behalf. Reducing taxes and regulations while insuring abundant, affordable energy actually works. He’s proven that.

He will battle the globalists, pressing for additional trade deals, leveling the playing field for Americans. He will nix the notion that Big Tech oligarchs can abuse the H1B Visa by replacing Americans with lower-paid imported labor. President Trump will enlarge Opportunity Zones, creating jobs and expanding horizons for minorities in our inner cities.

We should expect a major infrastructure effort to rebuild our bridges, roads and waterways. Upgrading our pipeline network alone will create thousands of good paying jobs.

President Trump will continue to press China and the multinationals who have sold us out. He will offer tax credits to return 1 million manufacturing jobs from China. Companies that offshore jobs will be banned from federal contracts. We will win the race to build out 5G networks without depending on Chinese equipment.

Critical industries like pharmaceuticals and electronics will get tax incentives for coming home.

Unlike China Joe, President Trump understands that nations that export raw materials and import finished goods aren’t really countries. They are colonies.

He will continue to hold China fully responsible for unleashing this terrible virus. We deserve to know why international experts were not allowed to investigate how this all got started in Wuhan.

His Operation Warp Speed is yielding amazing results. The president expects vaccines to be approved before the end of the year. He is putting in place a plan that will allow every American to be vaccinated early next year. Our long dark lockdown will end. Imagine what a return to normal will do for our economy.

Notwithstanding Democrat demagoguery, President Trump will press for market-based healthcare reform that protects the poor, the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. He will attack spiraling healthcare costs with a special focus on regulations and runaway prescription drug prices. Starting with Medicare and Medicaid, drug prices will be referenced to prices charged in other industrialized nations. This alone will save us over $50 billion a year.

The president has made clear that he will continue to protect Social Security and Medicare. He will demand that the VA provide the world-class care that our veterans deserve.

On the international front, President Trump expects more Middle Eastern nations to join the movement toward a lasting peace. His efforts to end endless wars and bring our forces home will continue. Allies in Europe will be required to shoulder their share of defense costs. America First will make the world safer.

Our military is midway through a complete rebuild. The Space Force will be fully established. Amazing technology and a modernized military will keep our adversaries’ expansionist aspirations at bay.

With or without Congressional help, the building of the wall will continue. The flood of illegals and drugs will dry up. Legal immigrants will be required to prove that they will not become “wards of the state.” The president will end free benefits for those who broke our immigration laws. Criminals and gang members will be tracked down and deported. Does anyone seriously think any of this would happen in a Biden Administration?

Poor kids who desperately need access to a good education will see a dramatic expansion of school choice options. The anti-American cultural curriculums will be replaced with a return to American exceptionalism.

President Trump will appoint judges that abide by the Constitution and mete out justice impartially. Donald Trump will make our streets safe again. He will not defund our police. He will support them. Violent anarchists like ANTIFA will be treated as terrorists. He will defend the 2nd Amendment, allowing us to defend ourselves. Perhaps just as importantly, this president will insist that bad cops, including conspirators at the highest levels of our FBI and the CIA, be held fully accountable. We will finally learn the origins of Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

The choice is crystal clear. Only one candidate offers an agenda worth voting for.

Storm the polls!

Gil Gutknecht served six terms in both the Minnesota and the U.S. House of Representatives.

Our Obligation to Fight

Townhall Columnist and Author Jack Carr

Read the Entire Article Here

“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” -Archilochus, C. 650 BC

Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.” At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.

Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation.

So, what do you do if you turn a corner and find yourself confronting an angry, violent mob? Do you have anyone else in the car for whom you are responsible? Is your spouse in the car? Is he or she armed? Are they trained? Do you have a baby in a child seat? Do you have two kids in child seats? A violent mob was recently caught on video blocking a Northern California freeway, moving from vehicle to vehicle smashing car windows as they went. If you find yourself the target of the mob, stay in your vehicle. Ensure the doors are locked and the windows are up. It provides a level of protection, though not from everything. Your vehicle is also a weapon. If you cannot possibly avoid a violent encounter, then you fight. When that times comes, you will want to be as prepared as you can be.

A U.S. Army Special Forces Vietnam veteran and Los Angeles police officer once told me, “if it doesn’t look right, it’s probably not.” TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. That sixth sense that kept people alive for generations still exists. It does mean you need to pull your head out of your phone and pay attention. If something doesn’t look right, turn around and get out of there. If you are on foot, run. Being aware will only get you so far. It is possible to be aware of your imminent demise. You also need to train for that worst-case scenario. You need to be prepared to take action. You need to be ready to fight.

When contemplating the morality or ethics of defending your life, just remember that if you were to suddenly appear out of thin air and were violently attacked by another person or group of people, you would not need to have a piece of paper giving you permission to defend yourself. The Roman statesman and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote, “There exists a law…inborn in our hearts…by natural intuition…if our lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies, any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right.” Defending the most precious of all gifts is as natural as breathing. Defense of life is a God-given right, a natural right, one that is not “given” by government and therefore cannot be “taken” away. That is why it is guaranteed in our Bill of Rights. It is America’s First Freedom.

Prior to summer, the coronavirus pandemic had prompted skyrocketing gun sales, as people came to the realization that a virus might prevent authorities from picking up the phone and responding if they dialed 9-1-1. When the riots started in late May there was a resurgence of interest in firearms and learning how to properly employ them in defense of life and the lives of loved ones.

If you have made the decision to invest in a weapon, get training with that weapon. With the Global War on Terror creeping up on two decades of conflict, we now have highly trained veterans with extensive combat experience in the private sector passing on their skills and lessons learned. And, with police officers leaving their departments in droves, we are about to have a lot more trainers with law enforcement backgrounds available to teach weapons and tactics. You don’t have to come from a military or law enforcement background to be a fantastic instructor. When it comes to training, there are plenty of choices and they are only a web-search away.

The coronavirus, compounded by a season of violent riots and looting, have resulted in an uptick in weapons sales, in hunting licenses, and a greater interest in preparedness in general. We are all here today because we had ancestors who were skilled at both hunting and fighting. They provided for and defended the tribe. Studying it from a historical perspective, it is only for the briefest of moments that one has been able to outsource those skills to others; grocery stores full of food and paid police departments are fairly recent phenomena in the human experience. Having the skills to provide for and defend our families are hardwired into our DNA, primal instincts born of the need not just to survive, but to prevail.

You may have seen the memes floating around that say, “Wait until those who just want to be left alone get involved.” As with any good joke, the best memes have an element of truth. Those who served the country in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and a multitude of other hot spots around the world, who saw friends die or forever maimed by an IED or sniper’s bullet, those people are out there. They know combat, and they are not going to let a mob surround their vehicle and pull them, their spouse, or their child from the car. They are not going to go quietly and allow themselves to be beaten to death without a fight. These are people who have a very close relationship with violence. They are highly trained, and they are prepared. They just want to be left in peace to pursue their dreams and raise their families. If you happen to run into them and try to take their lives, well, you better bring your A-game.

“This is the law. The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain, all else is supplemental.” –John Steinbeck

Jack Carr is a former Navy SEAL Sniper. He is the New York Times bestselling author of The Terminal List, True Believer, Savage Son, and The Devil’s Hand. Visit him at OfficialJackCarr.com and connect on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @JackCarrUSA

Democrats are Angry

Townhall Columnist Susan Stamper Brown

Read the Entire Article Here

Watching the Democrat Convention left me with one thought: My goodness, Democrats are angry. Every speech at the DNC was vile and filled with the most terrible, awful, nasty anti-American rage. As if that kind of message convinces normal people anywhere to join them in their misery.

Former President Barack Obama’s speech was the worst; he sounded more like a George Soros-funded community agitator than a former American president. Obama’s speech was malicious, divisive, foul, and lie-filled. (Those who haven’t already, should take time to read the transcript.) And in typical Democrat fashion, Obama accused President Trump of the very things which Obama and his administration are guilty, proving the most pathetic kind of fool is a fool who has no idea he is one.

If Democrats get to repeat lies continuously, please allow me the grace to repeat the truth about what conservatives believe: Most of us believe in God, love our families, care for the weak and protect the unborn. We believe in the U.S. Constitution, hold dear to the truth, cling to our guns, and celebrate our freedoms. We believe in law and order, back the blue, and love our military. We believe in equal rights and equal opportunity, embrace personal responsibility, and encourage hard work. And despite current circumstances, we still believe this extraordinarily exceptional country is the world’s last great hope. We believe America’s best days are before us. And more than ever, we believe Democrats’ leftism-Marxism must be defeated, subjugated, destroyed.

Stop Making Sense

Townhall Columnist Kurt Schlichter

Kurt Schlichter See the original article.

It is not transcendently stupid for the alleged anti-racism rioters to destroy a Lincoln statue, though, to normal people, it looks like the act of drooling morons. Now, a good number of these cesspeople are drooling morons, but that does not change the fact that trashing POTUS #16's statuary is brilliant.

They have confused their targets – us – by casting off the constraints of coherence.

Oh wait, you thought that these folks were trying to make a point about racism being bad. And you thought, because that's how those of us who weren't raised on Instatwitbook, soy, and critical race theory, that if you point out that something is unreasonable then that will cause the person you were instructing to rethink it. After all, trashing some Honest Abe totem in order to illustrate how racism is double-plus-ungood is about a "12" on the 1-10 scale of unreasonability. And yet, you can point that out all day and they don't care.

In fact, they laugh at you for doing so.

It's not about making sense. It never was. It's about making you kneel.

If you look at everything that is going on, the one common denominator is that every action the woke insurgents take is designed to strip you of your ability to defend your interests, or property, or rights, or life. The idea is to leave you utterly vulnerable, totally exposed, at which point they can do with you as they see fit. The nicer ones will merely reeducate you then demand humiliating submission and tribute. History (and their social media feed) teach that others will happily murder you. Doubt me? Just ask your local kulak.

Stripping you of defenses takes many forms. One form is defunding and abolishing the police. Oh, someone will be wielding force in society. It just won't be people accountable to or inclined to protect you. Another form is literally stripping you of your defenses. Why is gun control such a fetish for these creeps? Because you with a gun have the ability to not just say "no" but to exact a price from those who wish to compel a "yes." So, of course, they want to eliminate your ability to have weapons, but they also want to eliminate, as a practical matter, your ability to use them to protect yourself.

Look at what happened when the pink polo shirt gun guy quite reasonably grabbed his AR-15 as the savages descended on his property and the cops were AWOL. St. Louis's Soros-bought DA – who last month released all the arrested rioters – threatened to prosecute him. The media is slandering him too. A pack of jackals threatened his property, his family, and even his dog, and he's the bad guy for not showing his belly? You see the same fake furor every time some citizen has his car surrounded by a feeding frenzy of scumbags and plows through them to escape. Ignore that the slime are now shooting people they try to trap. The idea is to make you give up instead of fight back because if you fight back, the law comes down on you instead of the criminals.

Soros really is a shrewd investor.

The law – and the law generally says you can reasonably defend your life and property (please consult your local laws for specifics and get proper training) – means nothing if corrupt Democrats ignore the crimes of leftists and prosecute normals who dare resist the Blue Terror, which is kind of the point. You thought you could rely on the law and on the government to protect you. Nope. And now you can't protect yourself either.

And then there's reason. That's a defense too. You can use reason, make arguments, present evidence, and convince people. Not if making sense is beside the point.

You cannot reason with these people. Forget trying to convince them. You are not going to talk them out of their quest for power over you by deploying bourgeois conceits like "facts" and "evidence." Yet so many of us see what's happening and still take to Twitter or (increasingly) Parler to point out the sheer ridiculousness of the enemy's latest antics. But these actions are not ridiculous. They are tactically genius. Instead of confronting an impenetrable defense, they just scuttle around it and attack into our rear.

Now that's not to say pointing out the fact that everything they say and do is bullSchiff is pointless. It does help awoken the conservative unwoke. Normal people who are not neck-deep in the fight right now look at people trying to topple the guy who toppled the Confederacy and shake their heads. It does help with them, so keep it up with them.

But not with the wokesters. They just don't care.

So how do we beat them?

Step one is to understand the nature of the fight. It's not one of right and wrong, though that's how they like to disguise it. It is one of power. Give them nothing. Concede nothing. Stop trying to be reasonable with people who think a reasonable compromise is just impoverishing and disenfranchising you instead of stashing you in a gulag or worse.

Are you still trying to prove to them you aren't "racist?" Why? You aren't, so the hell with them. You owe them no assurances or excuses. They'll just claim your denial is more proof. You're "fragile" if you surrender and you're "fragile" if you don't, so stop playing their game. You don't have to prove anything to jerks who spew the same species of racial garbage Goebbels would have spewed, only with different names.

Step two is to understand the enemy and the information operation it's running on you. The total number of these shrieking punks is infinitesimal, probably under 1 percent of the population. But the mainstream media seeks to make them seem pervasive and overwhelming by covering them 24/7, and it expects you to fall for it. Don't. Look out your window. Except for that whiny woke wine mom down the street with the handwritten lawn signs parroting the slogans du jour, the one whose husband you often see weeping in the window, you are looking at peace and calm. That's the reality, not the chaos in a few square blocks of occupied Grungeburg, Washington.

Don't allow yourself to be demoralized. Victory is at hand. The media's polls are meant to crush your spirit, but ask yourself – do you know a single person who voted for Trump in 2016 but is now thinking, "Gosh, we need Grandpa Badfinger – he'll get the economy moving again even though he helped preside over nearly a decade of ennui?" Or have you had people who whisper to you, because they fear cancellation, "This time I'm voting for Trump?" I know zero of the former and a number of the latter. How about you?

Don't fall for the lies. Reject their goal of breaking your will.

Step three is to impose your will, ruthlessly and fearlessly, because this is our country and to hell with these schmucks.

It's time for us to riot, not in the streets, because we have jobs and we're not going to destroy our own stuff, but at the ballot box. That's where we lay waste to their Venezuelan dreams. In the primaries, vote for woke conservatives, not establishment saps. And then in November, vote straight Republican down the ballot.

Sure, much of the GOP consists of spineless saps eager to join Mitt Romney – father of the Miracle Whip box set of sons Tagg, Tugg, Togg, Skip, Skoop, Skup, Freen, Ween, and Peen – in donning the latex and gimping out for the pleasure of their WaPo masters. But the nice thing about those cowardly sissies is that we can ensure they are more afraid of us than of the leftists they yearn to obey. We can fire them, and then they'll have to get real jobs. This prospect scares them even more than a mean tweet from that desiccated crone Jennifer Rubin.

Finally, step four: Stop making sense. Unless it's directed at the unwoke, making sense is a waste of your time. This is about power. Time to use yours.

Get the Pandemic Over

America's Post Pandemic Ten Commandments

Townhall Columnist Terry Paulson

See the original article.

In an effort to capitalize on the lessons learned from the current pandemic, the plain folk of America are beginning to demonstrate and demand change. They're tired of politicians and experts locked in inaction. Their changes might be summarized in 10 new and compelling commandments to guide America's future. There's been no mountain top conclave to confirm one direction, but their collective voice might just provide plain spoken guidance for our future. Here are 10 post pandemic commandments they just might rally behind to make America great again:

1. Life is difficult, unsafe, and has always carried risk. None of us get out of this alive. So, never again even think of sacrificing the economic, mental, and physical well-being of the 99.7 percent to possibly protect and save the .3 percent from any disease or disaster.

2. No pandemic or disaster should ever be allowed to justify Draconian laws depriving citizens of elementary civil rights protected by our Constitution. Trading cherished freedoms for promised safety gives us neither!

3. Governments printing more money can never be the answer in a responsible republic. Stop giving more money; such giveaways are supporting an expectation of socialism, not maintaining a vital democratic republic. A forced transfer of wealth from those who work and saved to those who are not working and have not saved, destroys the incentives for self-reliance and rewards government dependence.

4. Tough times require tough people. Strong, resourceful citizens come from letting people handle their own problems with the help of neighbors, family, and local charities. No citizen is entitled to a basic income. No one should make more from government support than they can make from working. In America, you are responsible to earn your own way and secure your own future!

5. If people are sick, the message must be clear-"Shelter at home." Seek the treatments you need; new promising treatments are appearing daily. If you don't isolate and take care of yourself, expect to be distanced and shamed for not doing so. A healthy society isolates the sick, not the healthy! End the lockdown, and let healthy people go back to work and their lives.

6. Buy American to bring our economy back! End imports of any essential supplies or products from China unless no American alternatives are yet available. China's irresponsible response to the initial COVID-19 infestation has destroyed what trust the world has had in their communist regime. Bring back essential manufacturing to America and support them every way you can.

7. End this embarrassing analysis paralysis and let businesses open. All businesses are "essential" to those who depend on them for income and jobs. If people are free to responsibly go to a grocery store, they are responsible enough to go to any business they deem important. Individuals should have the right and the responsibility to make their own choices without undue government interference or control.

8. Defeat any politician who votes for a federal bailout for states facing bankruptcy. Never make citizens in responsible states pay for states with irresponsible planning and unchecked spending.

9. Since an expanding federal debt threatens to bankrupt future generations, put an end to automatic government budget increases. Require balanced budgets and zero-based budgeting where every department must regularly justify their reason for existence and their value in every budget cycle.

10. Don't even bother watching mainstream media news. They have been part of the effort to derail President Trump from the moment he was elected. Their headlines never change - "Everything Bad is Trump's Fault!"

Finally, and most important to remember, if you want a president who will bring back our economy and jobs, there is only one choice - re-elect President Donald Trump in November. We wanted an outsider who promised to get things done, and we gave him the job in 2016. He got things done and helped usher in the best economy in decades. He did it once, it's our job to let him have the opportunity to make America great again.


Bend Over, Here It Comes Again